InVisu Residencies
Training for and through Research

InVisu offers young researchers in the field of visual and cultural heritage the resources, support, and guidance for the development of digital projects online through a residency fellowship training program. Resident researchers agree on OpenScience principles. Collections of visual documents resulting from a PhD research are submitted and published under CC. Corpus of images are processed with Cidoc-CRM and Arches. Websites created by InVisu are hosted by the Human-Hum platform for heritage and social sciences.

> Who is using Arches ?

InVisu-Arches Projects


An extensive collection of Anne of Austria’s representations: political imagery, portrait theory, with insights from gender studies.
> Artemise website


About style furniture and objets d’art production in 19th century Paris.
> Beurdeley-Paris website

The Bab el-Gasous hidey-hole

A comprehensive database of funeral findings from the 21th dynasty of Egypt scattered all around the world.
> the BEG website

India Photography History

Towards a spatialized and socialized study of the photographic practice in South India.


INVISU l'Information visuelle et textuelle en histoire de l'art, nouveaux corpus, terrains, outils
CNRS UAR 3103 | INHA Institut national d'histoire de l'art
2 rue Vivienne - 75002 Paris

Contact | Mentions légales | Accessibilité : non conforme