ABE Journal n°22
Architecture in the Foreign Aid-Funded Knowledge Economy. Pegagogies

Sous la direction de Sebastiaan Loosen, Erik Sigge et Helena Mattsson

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The current issue of ABE Journal-Architecture Beyond Europe continues the dossier investigating “Architecture in the Foreign Aid-Funded Knowledge Economy” initiated in ABE 21 and focuses on the role of (architectural) education and pedagogy. In doing so, it engages with a topic that has received growing scholarly attention in recent years, notably through the Radical Pedagogies project initiated by Beatriz Colomina (see book review) and which was already given some attention in ABE previously, among others by Kim De Raedt (ABE12) and Ayala Levin (ABE9-10).

It aims to shed light on how the politics and economies of foreign aid shaped the global flows of exchange of architectural knowledge. As the agendas of architecture and foreign aid substantially overlapped from the 1950s to the late 1980s, it gave rise to a global knowledge economy in which the exchange of architectural knowledge was promoted and governed by an international network of consultancy and the creation and reinforcement of all sorts of institutional actors such as research centers and architecture schools.

Education and pedagogy form a powerful lens to investigate particular relationships and interactions between groups and individuals connected by colonial or postwar developmental constellations, and to ask pertinent questions of the postcolonial / decolonial.

Architecture beyond Europe est une revue en accès ouvert créée et maintenue par InVisu, disponible sur la plateforme OpenEditions Journals, et supportée par l’InSHS du CNRS.

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