ABE Journal n°20
Small-scale Building Enterprise and Global Home Ownership: beyond the Welfare State

Sous la direction de Konstantina Kalfa, Stavros Alifragkis et Panayotis Tournikiotis

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ABE Journal – Architecture Beyond Europe has always been keenly interested in what lies beyond architecture and urbanism as both conventionally defined disciplines and autonomous producers of built environment artifacts. The journal has a long-standing record as a platform welcoming high-quality, historical-based research on the myriad actors whose actions determine built environment production: much of the work published here cuts across professional lines and questions acquired notions of authorship (one key concern for architects in contemporary times) and, occasionally, of architectural culture as the preserve of architects. Architects are certainly often found to be essential driving forces in the processes discussed in our pages, but they share the honour with a cohort of other individuals and agencies—from engineers to developers and clients, from self-builder migrants to global bureaucracies—that substantially broaden our understanding of such processes. Read more…

Architecture beyond Europe est une revue en accès ouvert créée et maintenue par InVisu, disponible sur la plateforme OpenEditions Journals, et supportée par l’InSHS du CNRS.

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