ABE Journal Architecture beyond Europe n° 21 & 22 | Call for Varia articles

Dossier thématique

The built environment in nineteenth-century contexts of exchange

Dates limites de soumission des articles / Submission deadlines

30 juin 2022 / 30th June 2022 (ABE21)

30 novembre 2022 / 30th November 2022 (ABE22)

ABE Journal is dedicated to the study of architecture and urbanism for scholars of art, architecture and history. For the varia sections of issues 21 and 22 of the journal we are particularly keen to receive contributions that, while in step with the general scope of the journal, reflect on aspects of the wider built environment in nineteenth and early twentieth-century imperial or colonial contexts. Articles may address issues such as professional networking, the circulation of media, and the transmission of models, technologies and doctrines across regions and cultures. Geographically, the scope may go beyond European metropolitan-colonial relations to include Central Asia, Eastern Europe, North America, Oceania or alternative sites of exchange.

See Guidelines to Authors
> le texte de l’appel à contributions

Architecture beyond Europe est une revue en accès ouvert créée et maintenue par InVisu, disponible sur la plateforme OpenEditions Journals, et supportée par l’InSHS du CNRS.

> le site de la revue


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