The Margaret B. Ševčenko Prize in Islamic Visual Culture 

Submission deadline: November 15, 2018

Every year HIAA sponsors a competition and awards the Margaret B. Ševčenko Prize for the best unpublished essay written by a junior scholar (pre-dissertation graduate student to three years after the Ph.D. degree) on any aspect of Islamic visual culture. This competition is open to HIAA members only. The Ševčenko Prize recipient receives an award of $500 and a citation, generally presented at HIAA’s annual business meeting. The Prize is named in memory of Margaret Bentley Ševčenko, the first and long-serving Managing Editor of Muqarnas, a journal devoted to the visual culture of the Islamic world and sponsored by the Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture at Harvard and at MIT. The winning essay will be considered for publication by the Muqarnas Editorial Board.

How to apply

Submission must include the paper in both Word and PDF format, and a separate sheet with the author’s contact information (address, telephone number, and email address). Papers should not exceed 7 000 words in length and can be accompanied by 15 low-res illustrations maximum.

A letter of recommendation for the paper should be sent separately by the author’s adviser or referee.

All materials should be submitted by email to the Ševčenko committee chair, Mercedes Volait, by November 15, 2018. Files exceeding 5 Mb should be transferred by FTP.


INVISU l'Information visuelle et textuelle en histoire de l'art, nouveaux corpus, terrains, outils
CNRS UAR 3103 | INHA Institut national d'histoire de l'art
2 rue Vivienne - 75002 Paris

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