This year’s Spring School invites to rethink the temporality and spatiality of modernity over a long time span and within enlarged geographies. It aims at pluralizing the notion of modernization, by trespassing usual national and civilizational boundaries, through specific texts, individual figures, events, practices, etc. During the lectures and workshops in Istanbul, light will be shed on the entanglements and transnational conditions that went into the co-production of modernity anywhere and on the sources and methods required revealing them. The Spring School’s organisation is a joint effort by:


  • The Netherlands Interuniversity School for Islamic Studies (NISIS).
  • The Institut d’études de l’Islam et des Sociétés du Monde Musulman (IISMM)

In cooperation with:

  • Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies (CNMS), Philipps-University Marburg.
  • Groupement d’intérêt scientifique Moyen-Orient Mondes musulmans (MOMM), CNRS.
  • L’information visuelle et textuelle en histoire de l’art: nouveaux terrains, corpus, outils (InVisu, Paris), CNRS and INHA.
  • Orient-Institut Istanbul (OII).
  • Research Center for Anatolian Civilization (RCAC), Koç University
  • Suna & İnan Kıraç Research Institute on Mediterranean Civilizations (AKMED), Koç University.
  • The Institut français d’études anatoliennes d’Istanbul (IFEA)
  • The Netherlands Institute in Turkey (NIT).

Organising committee:

  • Petra de Bruijn (Leiden University, Director ad interim NISIS)
  • Pascal Buresi (EHESS, Director of IISMM) 4Fokke Gerritsen (Director of NIT)
  • Albrecht Fuess (Philipps-University Marburg)
  • Chris Roosevelt (Director of RCAC)
  • Jean-François Pérouse (Director of IFEA)
  • Mercedes Volait (CNRS, Director of InVisu, IISMM and GIS MOMM)
  • Levent Yilmaz (Koç University, Director of AKMED)

Istanbul, 14-18 mars 2016

Download the booklet (pdf, 1.8 Mo)


INVISU l'Information visuelle et textuelle en histoire de l'art, nouveaux corpus, terrains, outils
CNRS UAR 3103 | INHA Institut national d'histoire de l'art
2 rue Vivienne - 75002 Paris

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